Export Rules

You can save all the rules for a given folder to a separate file, which you can then use as a backup or share with other Hazel users.

To export all rules for a single folder:

  • Select the folder whose rules you want to export. (Hazel doesn’t provide a way to export individual rules, but you can work around this limitation by copying a rule to a new folder and then exporting that folder’s rules.)

  • From the More   menu, choose “Export Rules.”

  • Select the folder where you want to save the rules, and optionally edit the name of the file.

  • Click “Save.”

Alternatively, you can export rules for all your folders at once.

To export all rules for all folders:

  • From the More 

     menu, choose “Export All.”

  • Select the folder where you want to save the rules.

  • Click “Save.”

Hazel creates separate files at your selected destination for each folder’s rules.


Import Rules

Sync Rules