Archive for September 2006

Paths to Enlightenment

September 26th, 2006 — 7:36pm

An issue I’ve been dealing with is displaying a file path to the user. While this may be strongly discouraged (anyone have a cite from official Apple documents?), you have to admit that having a compact visual representation is useful at times.

With OS X being a collision of sorts between UNIX and the older Mac OS, there are two ways most programmers would conceive of a file path. The UNIX way would use slashes (/) with no drive at the root. In the Mac OS way, you’d have a drive at the root and colons (:) to separate the parts of the path. It was my impression that colons were on the way out but at the same time UNIX paths did not seem appropriate for regular users.

Trying to find examples in OS X itself, you find that inklings of both appear depending on where you look. For instance, doing “Get Info” on a file in Finder gives you the UNIX path. Command-clicking on the title of the Finder window gives you a pop up of all the ancestors of the currently shown file in the more Mac OS style (it shows the drive). The open and save panels have the same thing in the pop-up up top. No colons though.

Things get a bit more interesting when English is not your primary language. Set Spanish as your primary language in System Preferences and look at your sidebar. Notice anything different? Common folders are now translated. “Music” is now “Música”. “Movies” is now “Películas”. You no longer have a Desktop, you have an Escritorio. Now, this isn’t the problem (for programmers) that you think it is in terms of having to localize references to these paths. Just jump into Terminal or even do a “Get Info” on the file and you see the same UNIX path you’d see if everything were in English. These translations only exist to the user. That said, it would be nice when displaying a path to use the one the user would most likely understand so UNIX paths are out.

Now, let’s look at NSFileManager. There are two methods for getting a display version of a path:

– displayNameAtPath:
– componentsToDisplayForPath:

The odd thing here is that you cannot get a string with the whole path. -displayNameAtPath: only returns a translation of the last path component. -componentsToDisplayForPath: returns an array of the components. In both cases, they skirt the issue of what to use as a path separator.

In the current version of Hazel, I punted and just used what was shown in “Get Info”, which is the UNIX path (BTW, to show the full path in Hazel, just hover your mouse over a folder). Recently, though I caught Finder in the act of displaying a path.

Try this: drag a file into that space in the Finder window between the toolbar buttons and the search field. For those that don’t know about this feature, it’s basically a place where you can stick files that you can quickly access later. For you NeXTSTEP people, it’s a poor man’s shelf.

Now hover your mouse over the file on the “shelf”. There it is. Not a slash. Not a colon. The path separator is a triangle pointing right (▸). That’s unicode character 0x25B8, for those keeping score at home. You can see this somewhat echoed in Finder when you do a search. When you click on one of the results, you get that nifty path widget at the bottom with different triangles, but triangles nonetheless.

So is this standard? Dunno, but it’s good enough for my purposes and I’ve stuck it in the next version of Hazel (I’ve also added a contextual “Reveal in Finder” menu item for those that want to view the folder in context in Finder). If you see file paths popping up anywhere else, let me know.

3 comments » | Cocoa, Hazel, OS X, Programming

Bowling For Icons

September 12th, 2006 — 12:00pm

[IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: I have received requests to be even more emphatic in discouraging use of these icons. Using undocumented API does create a legacy that makes it hard for the Apple engineers to move forward with the API. So, in addition to the apocalyptic vision presented in the original post below, I, along with my cohorts, will start calling you “stinkypants” so, DO NOT USE THESE IMAGES IN A SHIPPING APP. I leave this article here out of archaeological interest but I am willing to remove it for the greater good of the Republic.]

To keep with the icon theme, let’s look into another source of icons.

Under Cocoa, you can also get access to certain system images via NSImage’s +imageNamed: method. Give it a string and it gives you an image registered with that name. For system images, the catch is that only a handful of those names are documented. Here are the ones I could find in the docs:

  • NSAscendingSortIndicator
  • NSDescendingSortIndicator
  • NSApplicationIcon
  • DRBurnIcon
  • DREraseIcon

The docs also state that +imageNamed: searches the Appkit Framework. Digging around, I’ve come up with the following:

  • NSDefaultApplicationIcon
  • NSDeadKeyMenuImage
  • NSGrayResizeCorner
  • NSHelpCursor
  • NSMysteryDocument
  • NSMultipleFiles
  • NSOpacitySlider
  • NSUtilityInactivePattern
  • NSUtilityKeyPattern
  • SpellingDot
  • NSTriangleNormalRight
  • NSTrianglePressedRight
  • NSTriangleNormalDown
  • NSTrianglePressedDown

As with the Icon Manager icons, some of these are not currently used (old NeXTies should find the NSMutipleFiles image familiar). While most of these are prefixed with “NS” making them seem official, they are not documented explicitly, only indirectly via the allusion to images in the Appkit Framework.

It’s unclear whether one can count these images sticking around from release to release but my guess “no”. Usage of these images may result in plagues of locusts (in the form of people in three-piece suits with “Esquire” tacked to the end of their names) descending upon your home as it is simultaneously invaded by fire-breathing hippos who proceed to trample your worldly possessions and imbue your commemorative plate collection with a strange odor making them unsuitable for sale on Ebay, the worst of it being that your insurance will not cover any of it. Or maybe all that happens is that milk starts tasting funny. Try it out and let me know.

But even if you don’t use them in a shipping app, they can be useful as a temporary stand-in until you or a graphic artist makes a knock-off.

You can preview these images in InterfaceBuilder by setting them on a control (just type in the name). At least on my machine, IB shows a broken image when you enter any of the above but cutting and pasting the control seems to make the image appear. Maybe at some point I’ll add these to the System Icon Viewer.

By the way, if anyone knows of any named images that I missed, send them my way.


Comment » | Cocoa, Icons, Programming

System Icon Viewer

September 10th, 2006 — 11:06am

When I saw this post, I mentioned to Daniel Jalkut that I had done the same thing that he did (which was to create an NSImage category to access Carbon’s Icon Manager’s icons). After his obligatory insistence that I start a blog, I sent him a little program I had thrown together to preview the icons.

Since he referenced it in his post, I’ve made it available. It’s not pretty as it was just slapped together but it’s functional. It does show that if you are using Cocoa, the category is pretty much unnecessary as NSWorkspace seems to return the same icons, with a few exceptions. Of course, if the icon you want is one of those exceptions, you can look and decide for yourself.

System Icon Viewer source

7 comments » | Carbon, Cocoa, Downloads, Icons, Programming

Rhyme & Reason

September 9th, 2006 — 2:51pm

Despite my lack of desire for doing a blog, I’ve caved in and set one up. Why? One reason, two words: Daniel Jalkut. The renowned author of Red Sweater Blog has been bugging me for months to do one. Most of our conversations go something like this:

Me: [something about programming]
Daniel: Blog it!

Luckily for Daniel, these conversations are always online so he can’t hear the unpleasantly moist sound of my eyes rolling up into my head.

So, it is my hope that doing this blog will bring a little more variety to my conversations with Daniel. And thus begins a sporadically updated, at best mildly interesting developer blog. If you don’t like it, blame him.

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