“Sticky” section headers in NSTableView

Once again, I find myself with some cool code with nowhere to put it. And, yet once again, you get the reap the benefits.

UITableView on the iPhone has the neat feature where section headers stick at the top after the actual row for it has scrolled off. For instance, in Contacts, if you scroll down, the row for section “A” stays visible so that you know what section you’re in if the section is too large for the screen.

Unfortunately, someone asked how something like this could be done on desktop Cocoa. I say “unfortunately” because I was within earshot and it resulted in me embarking on a journey peppered with annoying run-ins with NSTableView’s idiosyncrasies. Nonetheless, I persevered and came up with something hopefully someone will find useful. As was the case before, I don’t have a use for it myself at the moment, but I feel it would be a shame to let the code go to waste.

I am presenting NoodleStickyRowTableView. I call the section headers “sticky rows” as one can specify any row to stick up top for whatever reason, though by default, it does it for group rows.

The bad stuff:

NSTableView makes it very difficult to cache a row visually. -drawRow:clipRect: should be able to do it but the problem is that it’s too smart for it’s own good. If the row is not visible, it will not draw anything. Add on top of that the impossibility of getting it to draw the special background the group rows use. I tried all sorts of techniques but none were general or reliable enough. My email on the cocoa-dev list was, not surprisingly, ignored. As a result, in the default implementation, I use my own look for the rows and then use a fade-in transition since the sticky row will look different from the actual one. You can see it in the video below where it has a ghost-like effect.

The good stuff:

The good news is that I managed to work it into an NSTableView category. You can think of it as an abstract category if you wish. In your subclass, at the very minimum, override -drawRect: and call -drawStickyRowHeader after calling super. From that one call you will get all the functionality.

Why do it this way? Well, ease of use for one. It makes it so that you can integrate it into your own NSTableView subclass without having to copy and paste large swaths of code or put it all sorts of odd hooks. Secondly, the changes get inherited by NSOutlineView so the functionality is available there and in its subclasses as well.

While I could use the new associated objects functionality in Snow Leopard, I opted for Leopard-compatiblity. This resulted in me coming up with a couple tricks to get around the lack of ivars, including the rarely used -viewWithTag: method. Check the “read me” file and code for details.

There are two different transitions. The default is the fade-in transition as shown here:

<a href="https://www.noodlesoft.com/blog/uploads/2009/09/Ghost-Transition.mov">Download movie</a>

As mentioned before, since I couldn’t get the group rows to draw properly and consistently, I use a more generic look for the row. The transition makes it less jarring but it is a compromise of sorts. Not bad when you consider that you get all this by calling just one extra method in your -drawRect:.

But what if you want something more like the iPhone’s version? In your subclass, you can override -stickyRowHeaderTransition to return no transition and then do your own drawing of the rows so that they look the same between the regular and sticky versions. The NoodleIPhoneTableView included in the project shows how this is done with the result being something on par with UITableView:

<a href="https://www.noodlesoft.com/blog/uploads/2009/09/iPhone-Transition1.mov" title="iPhone Transition.mov">Download movie</a>

I am releasing this under MIT license as usual. Use it however you want as long as you give me credit somewhere. Please send in any feedback, suggestions, bugs, etc but keep in mind that this is not something I use in my projects so I probably will not be actively maintaining it beyond a certain point. I’ve made a point of making the the API easy to use and to extend so have fun with it.

Download NoodleStickyRowTableViewTest.zip (version 0.18639)

Update (Sep. 29, 2009): I have included this class in my NoodleKit repository so you should check there for future updates.

Category: Cocoa, Downloads, OS X, Programming, User Interface 4 comments »

4 Responses to ““Sticky” section headers in NSTableView”

  1. erb

    This is great! Well done!

    Why don’t you uploaded it to GitHub free account?

    At least that way people can fork it for bug, improvements, etc. and there’s a wiki and an issues tracker built-in.

    I can do it for you if you don’t have/want a GitHub account…

  2. mr_noodle


    I’ve been thinking about putting up a repo for the various code I’ve posted here. Things have settled down here a bit so maybe I’ll put something together next week. I’ll post when it’s up.

  3. corbin

    >My email on the cocoa-dev list was, not surprisingly, ignored.

    I filter on TableView in the subject and don’t read everything.


  4. mr_noodle

    Hi Corbin. While I know you are NSTableView guy and would have been an ideal person to answer, the comment wasn’t directed at you specifically. It’s just a general frustration with the cocoa-dev list in that, on top of being flooded by newbie questions, seems to go silent when someone asks a more advanced question, one that isn’t actually covered in the docs or via a Google search and might generate a more interesting answer.

    I don’t know if you are still paying attention to this but since you did take the time to read the post and comment, if you could provide some confirmation on the problems I ran into, that would be helpful.

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