Archive for May 2017

The Invisible Interface: APIs

May 25th, 2017 — 11:21am

Let’s talk about APIs. Like UIs, APIs provide an interface (hence the “I”) to a class of users. In this case, the users are programmers. Because of this, many times you have APIs that are cluttered and overly difficult to use since programmers can probably figure that stuff out. It’s unfortunate as many just see APIs as a way to expose functionality without any regard for design.

I feel a hallmark of a good UI is one that avoids presenting the user with unnecessary decisions. The more you can either filter or figure out on the user’s behalf, the better. I’ve touched upon this before: 1 2

I feel the same holds true for APIs. APIs should do more than just provide functionality. They should strive to do more for the user without burdening them with unnecessary details. Provide power with little effort on the user’s part. Let the programmer worry about the “what” and not about the “how”.

This leads me to my favorite API: NSArray

Yes, NSArray.

What is an NSArray? It’s an ordered collection of objects. Doesn’t sound terribly exciting but ask yourself this: what data structure does it implement? If you ask around, you’ll get a bunch of different answers but the real answer here is “It doesn’t matter.”

Now, you may be thinking that NSArray is insufficient to cover all the different cases where you’d need an ordered list. Surely, you have to use a skip list in this one case or a circular queue in this other one. Before going further, I highly recommend reading this oldie but goodie (and one of my favorite blog posts): Array.

As it turns out, NSArray is adaptive. It’s not implementing a single data structure but instead changes depending on usage. Every time I, or a colleague, has implemented their own special data structure, it has ended up performing no better, or sometimes even worse, than NSArray. Now, I’m sure you can come up with some special set of circumstances where you’d need to roll your own, but from my experiences with Cocoa over the years, I’d say that for 99% of the cases, NSArray is fine.

Another example of adaptive behavior is Introsort, which will use either quicksort or heapsort depending on the circumstances. Quicksort has great average performance but has a horrible worst case (O(n2)). Introsort is able to detect when things are headed towards that worst case and switches to heap sort instead (worst case: O(n log n)). No need for the user to evaluate the data to figure out which sort algorithm to use.

Now, sometimes things are inherently complex (threading comes to mind). It does take a bit of care and experience to make sure that instead of making something simple, you end up making it simplistic. Nonetheless, I feel that NSArray hits that sweet spot of providing what you need while at the same time cutting out what you really don’t.

Hopefully this shows that APIs can be so much more than a simple wrapper around some code. The use of proper abstraction as well as going the extra mile on the user’s behalf can go a long way towards making a merely functional API something wonderful.


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May 24th, 2017 — 3:51pm

I’ve added support for JSON Feed to this blog. You can find a link to it under the “Meta” section in the lower right corner.

It’s very early and hardly any clients support it yet but it was easy enough to add support for it on my end. I felt like I should try being the chicken in the chicken-and-egg problem that comes with a new standard being introduced.

Let me know if you run into any problems with it.

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Getting Info From iTunes

May 19th, 2017 — 12:35pm

Things have settled down with my 4.1 release so I thought I’d tend to my neglected blog.

Today, I’m going to talk about getting info about your iTunes library, playlists and albums.

Now, the obvious way to do this would be through AppleScript/AppleEvents. The problem with this approach is that it requires iTunes to be running for it to work. To actually change stuff in your iTunes library, you will have to use AppleScript but for the purposes of this article, we are just looking at ways to get information about it.

The old way to do this was to parse the iTunes Library.xml file (located in ~/Music/iTunes). This file contains a dump of everything you need. Unfortunately, recent versions of iTunes do not generate this automatically; you have to enable it in its preferences (it’s in the “Advanced” tab).

Now, the notion of having to parse an XML file does sound painful but luckily it’s actually a property list so you can load it that way and access everything as NSArrays, NSDictionaries, NSStrings, etc.

With OS X 10.9 (yes, I know it’s macOS now but back then it was still OS X), Apple introduced the MediaLibrary API (ML). This provided a way of not just accessing the iTunes library, but the libraries of all of Apple’s other media apps (Photos, GarageBand, even Final Cut). No parsing involved but it is a fully asynchronous API so expect to deal with a lot of callbacks.

The last one (I don’t know exactly when it was released but it was the last one I discovered) is iTunesLibrary (ITLib) and it’s a bit easy to miss because, from what I can tell, it is not a part of the OS, but iTunes itself. You can find the framework under /Library/Frameworks (not /System/Library/Frameworks). It provides similar functionality to the MediaLibrary framework, but specific to iTunes.

With so many options, which do you use? For the most part, they return the same information though it depends on the version of iTunes. With some versions, one API may return some special playlist that the others don’t. Also, ML is asynchronous while the others are synchronous. I don’t see that as a big deal either way as you can convert one into the other with a tiny bit of work.

The big differentiating factor is performance. Here are the results for getting a list of playlists for my library:

XML: 1.664939s
ML: 18.792855s
ITLib: 0.844415

I don’t think my library is the biggest in the world but it is significant (about 2000 albums). As you can see, ML is pretty damn slow with ITLib being much, much, much faster. What is surprising to me is how much faster parsing the XML file is than ML. It is possible, though, that I’m holding it wrong.

So, ITLib is my recommended API for this. It’s what Hazel uses starting with 4.1 (previously, it was parsing the XML when it was available and falling back to ML). That said, there is one wrinkle.

The persistent IDs of entities in iTunes are hex strings. In the XML file, they are zero padded. In ML, though it returns strings, they are not zero padded (rdar://26624642 for you Apple folks watching from home). To add even more confusion to the mix, they are NSNumbers in ITLib.

If you are using any of these APIs in isolation then it’s probably not a big deal, but if you want to later manipulate that entity using AppleScript (like importing files into a playlist), you will need to provide the zero-padded hex string. Something to keep in mind.

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