Archive for May 2014

Hardcoding Classes

May 15th, 2014 — 12:58pm

When referring to class object, you can refer to it directly by name. When creating an object, you can do:

[[Foo alloc] init]

There are cases though where you want it to be a bit more dynamic. Say you want a class method which creates an autoreleased instance. You might do something like:

+ (id)fooWithName:(NSString *)name
   return [[[Foo alloc] initWithName:name] autorelease];

The problem with this, of course, is that if you have a subclass, SubFoo, then +fooWithName: will return Foo objects, not SubFoo. To fix this, instead of hardcoding the class, refer to it dynamically:

+ (id)fooWithName:(NSString *)name
  return [[self alloc] initWithName:name] autorelease];

Since this is a class method, self refers to the class object. Now, no matter which subclass you are in, the proper type of instance will be created. And if you are calling class methods from other class methods in the same class:

+ (void)doBlah
  [self doBlech];

Hardcoding the class here would call that specific class’s version of the method, even in subclasses, which is usually undesirable.

If you are in an instance method, you can likewise do something like:

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
    return [[[self class] alloc] initWithName:[self name]];

Now, this is all well and good. In general, it’s a good idea to to use [self class] instead of hardcoding the name. But let’s take this example:

bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];

Seems ok. You want the bundle where this class comes from. Or do you? Suppose Foo is in a Framework and SubFoo is in an app using that framework. The above code will return a different bundle for SubFoo than it does for Foo. Depending on what you want to do with that bundle, that can be a bad thing. For instance, finding a nib. Unless it is expected that the subclasses provide their own nib, chances are, the nib you are looking for only exists in Foo’s bundle and the above will fail. The fix? Hardcode the class:

bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[Foo class]]

Here’s an odd case that I ran into some time back. Suppose Foo implements a protocol that has an optional method -bingo. In SubFoo, you implement -bingo but you’re not sure if the superclass (Foo) implements -bingo itself as part of the protocol. If it does, we want to call super but if it doesn’t we can’t. The documentation is silent on the subject so we can’t rely on any particular behavior. How do we check it at run-time?

- (void)bingo
    if ([[[self class] superclass] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(bingo)])
       [super bingo];

Besides the compiler warning that Foo may not implement -bingo, it looks like it works. If you are a SubFoo instance, it gets the Foo class and asks it if its instances can receive -bingo. Ah, but what happens when we have a subclass of SubFoo called ReallySubFoo. Let’s also say that Foo doesn’t implement -bingo. When the above code is called, from a ReallySubFoo instance, we get a SubFoo class which then gets asked if it responds to -bingo. It does because we implemented it in SubFoo. Problem is there is no super implementation of -bingo and we get a crash. Again, the fix is to hardcode the class:

- (void)bingo
   if ([Foo instancesRespondToSelector(bingo)])
       [super bingo];

In most cases, dynamically getting the class is the right thing to do but don’t do it indiscriminately. Take a moment to think about how it will play out in subclasses. You may be surprised.

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