Adventures in Debugging: Pref Pane Poppin’ Aplenty

As you may or may not know, Hazel is packaged as a preference pane. While you do all the configuration via the preference pane interface, the actual work of running your rules is done by background processes. The commandline tool that actually runs the rules is stored inside the pref pane bundle. I’ve kept it in the Resources part of the bundle for no good reason except that’s the catch all for all your bundle stuff. But then I thought, “why not stick it in the MacOS dir. That’s where executables are supposed to go, right?”

So, I went into XCode and created a new “Copy Files” phase to copy the built executables into the “executables” dir (which ends up being the MacOS dir in your bundle). I modified the code that launches the program to look in the right place (NSBundle’s -pathForAuxiliaryExecutable: for those of you keeping score at home). It seemed to work. My bundle was now a tad tidier with things in their proper place.

Later on, I was testing something else and noticed that when Hazel was running certain rules, the pref pane icon would show up in the dock and then disappear when the background program was done. Strange enough that a pref pane icon would appear in the dock; stranger that it was being triggered by a non-GUI program. More testing revealed that it happened when Hazel was executing AppleScripts. I tried isolating the AppleScript parts. I checked all sorts of paths. I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. The Pope was in town so maybe he was messing things up somehow.

I checked previous versions to isolate when the bug was introduced and discovered it was only in the last set of changes. Moving the executables back to Resources fixed it.

Problem solved but I had no idea why. After muttering about it in IRC, Mike Ash casually throws out the explanation: “the binary is hitting the window server, the window server notices that it’s in an executable directory of a bundle, sticks it in the Dock.”

Of course, it all sounds so simple when you hear the answer. Calling the AppleScript created the window server connection which then prompted it to throw the icon in the dock as if it were a regular app. Not sure how long it would have taken me to figure that out on my own.

The lesson here is that when faced with a crazy bug, ask Mike Ash. Really, though, don’t do that. He’ll crash his glider into me next chance he gets. The real lesson is that you should be careful about putting executables for background programs in the MacOS directory of your bundle.

Ok, so I can’t pin this one on the Pope. All I know is that I don’t get these types of problems when the Dalai Lama is in town.

Category: Cocoa, Debugging, Hazel, Programming, Xcode 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Adventures in Debugging: Pref Pane Poppin’ Aplenty”

  1. Chris Lundie

    This is something that didn’t happen on Tiger. When Leopard came out I had the same surprise you got.

  2. Colin Barrett

    I’ve always put helper applications in the Resources/ directory. It’s actually a bit easier to get at them that way, and I think makes a bit more sense logically.

    Good to know though, and thanks for putting tidbits like this somewhere Google can index them.

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