Hazel 2.0 alpha ready for testing

Hazel IconIt’s been a bit of a wait for a lot of you but Hazel 2.0 alpha is ready to be downloaded and tested. Now, it is alpha so most, but not all of the features are there; be gentle. I have stopped using launchd in favor of a homebrew scheduler. As a result, those of you hitting the “Hazel stops working after logging out then back in” bug will be happy. Hazel also features new icons from Fernando Lins (featured here). A bunch of other stuff is in there so if you’re curious, check it out.

This is a semi-public pre-release, so you have to jump through a couple hoops to get at it. Details are on the beta forum but you must be registered on the forums to view it. I know it’s a bit tedious but I want to make sure all testers are tuned into the forums.

Oh, and for those of you wondering, 2.0 will be a free upgrade. I’ll have a Hazel 2.0 FAQ up at some point.

Category: Hazel, Noodlesoft, Software One comment »

One Response to “Hazel 2.0 alpha ready for testing”

  1. Brian Thomas

    I’m at step # 5 in Ethan Schoonover’s clean up your desktop program and would like to try his recommendation to use HAZEL. Thanks. Please keep my email private.

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