We value your privacy. We do not share, rent or give away your data to anyone except when it is necessary for completion of a transaction.
The site does track you as you access it. The information is used for getting feedback on how certain features of the site perform so we can optimize the site experience in the future. This data is all stored on our servers, is kept anonymous and is never shared with other parties.
To purchase our software, you will have to give us information about yourself and, yes, that information will be sent to a transaction processor to complete the order. This information is not used for any other purpose and is not shared beyond the approval of funds or to resolve issues concerning the transaction.
Our software has an option to collect anonymous data about your system when you check for updates. This information is used to get statistical information about our customer base and helps us to plan support for future releases. This is solely for our own use and is not shared except in aggregate (i.e. "60% of users have MacBooks"). Note that this has to be turned on explicitly by you and that you can preview the information that gets transmitted to us. If you are uncomfortable with this, then do not enable this feature (it is off by default).
We take your privacy seriously and feel that it is important to be up front about how we deal with your data. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.