Hazel 2.2 Release Notes

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New Features:
  • Ability to create patterns for matching. Use the “matches/does not match” operator.
  • Ability to create custom tokens. Define them in your match patterns and then use them in your rename/sort/Growl actions.
  • AppleScripts and shellscripts can now be embedded into the rules. No external files needed. Scripts can be edited right in Hazel.
  • Added new GTD-like date matching. Dates can be compared against “Today”, “This Week”, “This Month” and “This Year” which align with the calendar concepts of days, weeks, months and year.
  • Added “is in the next” operator for dates. Useful for dates in the future (like due dates).
  • Added “Subfolder Depth” attribute which is how many levels deep from the top folder (the top folder being at depth 0). Can now control what rules apply to what levels of a folder hierarchy.
  • AppleScripts can now return a record with special keys to communicate back to Hazel:
    • hazelStop: If set to true, Hazel will stop processing the current rule, considering it to have executed successfully. Subsequent actions in this rule will not be run.
    • hazelSwitchFile: If set to an alternate file, subsequent actions will act on this file instead of the original one passed in. You can use this when the file is “transformed” (like turned into an archive) or if you want to re-target another file, like the parent folder.
User interface changes:
  • You can now select multiple rules in the rule list (finally).
  • Added new formatting options for the “domain” token. Clicking on it will allow you to get its “base” domain or strip it down even further by dropping the TLD. For instance, “www.example.com” can be formatted as “example.com” or “example”.
  • Script pop-ups now keep track of any currently used scripts.
  • Fixed underlining of the “month” token’s menu items. While the numerical forms should have underlines to indicate number of digits, they make no sense for the textual forms (Dec & December).
  • Tweaked the color label picker on Leopard to more closely resemble Finder’s current look. Will also display name and selection frame when moused over.
  • Widened rule window to match width of System Preference’s window (at least, Leopard’s version of it).
  • Fixed multiple duster icons appearing. Note, this fixes the problem from this version onwards. You may still experience it when first upgrading to this version.
Core changes:
  • App Sweep will prompt for a password if any support files’ permissions require it.
  • App Sweep now picks up any installed QuickLook plugins.
  • Fixed bug where extra hazeldb files were being created.
  • Added “ScanInvisibles” default. If set, Hazel will not ignore invisibles, instead processing them like any other file.
  • Added “IgnoredBackupDirs” default. It is an array of directories that when determining whether an app is installed, App Sweep will ignore if that app is underneath that directory.
  • HFS busy flag is now ignored. Files with this flag set will not be considered busy. It was unclear whether any program uses this correctly and there were cases where programs were setting the flag incorrectly.
  • Fixed error messages being logged when uninstalling files even when it was successful.
  • Fixed memory leaks.