Sorting files in folders

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Sorting files in folders Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:06 pm • by hazelluver
here is my situation:
I would like to go through my torrents folder which contains one folder per torrent, and have the contents of those sub-folders sorted.

So if this is my folder structure:
[Torrents] (parent folder)
- [torrent folder 1]
-- movie file

- [torrent folder 2]
-- music file

- [torrent folder 3]
-- movie file

[square brackets] indicate folders
-- indicates file inside the folder

I would like to move all movie files to a movie folder outside the [Torrents] folder, music files to a music folder etc.

Anyone got a tip or even better a rules file to create this?

Thanks much!
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:01 pm

Re: Sorting files in folders Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:20 pm • by a_freyer
This is exactly what Hazel is made for - it's real easy. Start by creating a rule for the 'Torrents' parent folder, and add these rules in this order:

(1) [Move into Subfolder Rule] - if (Kind is folder) then (Run rules on folder contents)
(2) [Move movies] - if (kind is movie) then (move file to /Movies/)
(3) [Move music] - if (kind is music) then (move file to /music/)

The advantage of adding rule (1) is that you don't have to create rules for each individual subfolder. I have a similar set of rules running on my downloads folder. I have added the following:

(4) [Delete empties] if (kind is folder) and (size = 0) then (delete)
(5) [Sort all other files] - if (type is anything) then (Sort into subfolder with pattern: /Misc/{FileType}/

This fifth rule will move all other files, except folders, into easy-to-find subfolders. It'll do this:

/TorrentFolder1/Movie.avi is moved to /Movies/Movie.avi
/TorrentFolder2/Sound.mp3 is moved to /Music/Sound.mp3
/TorrentFolder3/Picture.jpeg is moved to /Misc/JPEG Image Files/Picture.jpeg
/TorrentFolder4/Presentation.pptx is moved to /Misc/Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations/Presentation.pptx
/TorrentFolder5/Config.cfg is moved to /Misc/Configuration Files/Config.cfg

All the "TorrentFolders" will be deleted since they are now empty.

I posted a hint some months back that talks about a way to further sort your movies into /TV/ and /Movies/ based on their filesize. That is available here:

That should be enough to get you started. In the future, if you've got support questions, you'll definitly get more traffic if you post in the "Support" forum.

Good luck!
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