Rules sometimes firing, sometimes not, "run now" always work

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Moderator: Mr_Noodle


I am trying to set up a set of rules that would ideally: 1. Run inside folders. 2. Unarchive files (which are movies broken up into multiple .rar files) 3. Rename movie files to the name of their parent folder plus the existing extension of the file, then move parent folder to another location. 4. Same as step 3 but setup for .mkv files as they are not currently recognized as movie files (spotlight limitation).

The rules work most of the time, sometimes as soon as files are added, sometimes after a few hours and sometime they do not for no particular reason. When looking at the "preview rule" option, the files are recognized as being matched to the proper rules. When I select "run rules now" everything goes great.

Below are some screen shots of the rules. Any idea on what could be causing the problems? Do I need to change the trigger somewhere? Is it too much for a string of rules? Thanks so much and let me know if I can provide any other info.




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Check the logs. Go to the "Info" pane and click on "View Log". I suggest emailing me whatever you find there (click on "Contact Support", also in the Info pane).
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