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Creating a rule to move an image at a specific time!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:05 am
by cymro
Hi - I am a teacher who wants Hazel's help! I currently use Evocam to create a daily timelapse. I would like to create a timelapse of a whole year to show my pupils the changing seasons. Evocam creates a file every minute called webcamimage.jpg. I would like to use Hazel to copy the webcamimage.jpg file that is created at noon every day - and move it to another folder. Hazel is so versatile - I am sure it is possible - but I just can't figure out how I would do it! My intention at the end of the year is to take all 365 images created and compile a quicktime movie. I think I would need to add a timestamp to the filename or otherwise they would save over one another - but this might be possible within evocam.

Can anyone help me (to recap concisely) - to move a specific image created at noon every day (and maybe add a timestamp to it)


Re: Creating a rule to move an image at a specific time!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:01 pm
by Mr_Noodle
Hazel currently doesn't have any way to do things at a specific time. You can tell Hazel to only copy the file over once per day, though.

If Date Last Matched is not in the last 24 hours, copy file...

I don't know if it has to be at noon or not. If so, you may be better off using iCal (or some other timer/alarm program) to call an automator action at that time.

If you do use Hazel for this, you can use the rename or sort into subfolder action to stick a timestamp in there.

Also, keep in mind, both of the above solutions would require you to be logged in the whole time (or at least when the workflow is supposed to fire). If you need it to run no matter who is logged in, you may want to look into doing this in a script called from cron. It's a bit more involved and requires some knowledge of UNIX shell scripting, but may be more suitable depending on what you need.