Why is rule order affecting which rules run?

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Moderator: Mr_Noodle

Here is my rule set for folder 'ScanSnap':

1) If file is type PDF, OCR it
2) If file begins with 'aaa', copy it to folder 'bbb'
3) For any file, copy it to folder 'zzz'

Rule 1 always fires properly, so that works great.

For rules 2 and 3, if the file begins with 'aaa', it copies it to folder 'bbb', but it doesn't also copy it to folder 'zzz'.

The weird part is, if I swap the order of rules 2 and 3 in Hazel, it does copy the file to folder 'zzz', but it won't also copy it to folder 'bbb'.

What am I doing wrong?
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:25 pm

Only one rule can match a file. If it matches an earlier rule, then it will never get to the subsequent ones. You need to re-order or restructure the rules to take that into account.
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