Sort DL from same domain/date to accordingly named folder

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First, thanks for this great software - and thanks for baring with me since I'm new to all this and probably a bit slow :-)

I'm trying to put together a set of rules that would sort today's downloads from a same domain into a dedicated folder named accordingly.

The folder watched is obviously 'downloads', and I would like it to behave like this:

    - I'm downloading "file_1" from "example" domain
    - Hazel moves "file_1" into a newly created folder named "example (today's date)"
    - If I'm downloading "file_2" from the same "example" domain on the same day, Hazel will move "file_2" into the previously created "example (today's date)" folder along with its peer
    - If it's another day, or another domain, a new folder is created appropriately
    - If two files are identical, the second one gets renamed

My set of rules goes like this:

    If [Any File], [Date Added] [Is] [Today]
    [Sort into subfolder] with pattern: [{domain} {(date added)}], option 'rename the file'

What's happening:

    a) After "file_1" is downloaded, Hazel creates an "example (today's date)" folder, moves "file_1" inside of it.
    So far so good. But then it moves the "example (today's date)" folder into a newly created folder named " (today's date)"
    b) If I then download "file_2", Hazel will put it in a new folder named "example (today's date)-1" (due to option 'rename the file' that I thought would target the file and not the folder) and put this folder into the previously created " (today's date)" folder

I tried to put an [Ignore] rule last, just in case it ends what seems to be a kind of loop in a), but no luck.

Thank you very much for your time and help!


Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:26 am

You need to add a condition so that those folders do not match that rule otherwise you end up with a loop. Maybe check if Source URL is not blank. Also, on a side note, you don't need the "any file" condition if you have other conditions there (it only makes sense by itself).
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Fantastic! Check if Source URL is not blank worked like a charm.
Thanks for the tips and the peek behind the kind of reasoning that's needed :-)


Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:26 am

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