Something with "application" folders in Dropbox

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Moderator: Mr_Noodle

I have a basic rule set up: "if file name contains 'blah', do x".

The rule is attached to the Drafts folder inside Dropbox/Apps.

This folder seems to be special to Drafts for iOS; it's the only folder I've found (so far) where Hazel won't execute rules without a little push (usually in the form of "run rules now"). Rules can be previewed and will run when forced, but don't execute on their own.

Drafts for iOS is also the only app in my very long list that sets it's access type to "App folder. All others are "Full Dropbox".

I have tried the exact same rule on other folders within Dropbox and it works as expected. It's just this "app folder" that doesn't want to work for me.

I am in China and Dropbox is sketchy here, but it usually works by either turning on my VPN or restarting Dropbox (strangely, it's only downloading that fails on my MBP... upload works all the time).

Is there a way to get Hazel working with this "special" folder? Am I missing something that should make this work?

Thanks for any insight.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:24 am

I'm not familiar with this drafts folder. Does this have special meaning to Dropbox? If you add a file there, do you see any activity in the Hazel logs?
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Yup, it is a special folder in Dropbox. Most applications go for full access, but Agile Tortoise tried to do things right and use only what was required—an "App folder". According to AT, a dev uses the Dropbox SDK to make this folder and doing so grants special privileges (the simplest being the ability to change the name of the folder on your computer and have an app still work without changing app preferences).

Now the good news...

It started working. I have no idea how or what caused my initial bug (I didn't restart my computer or change anything), but it's working perfectly now. Possibly a bug in DB was breaking Hazel's ability to do it's thing... but only with this particular folder (all others worked without issue).

Sorry for bothering you with what turned out to be a nothing. Agile Tortoise said they're moving away from the "app folder" in a future update too.

Thanks for the reply.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:24 am

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