Really regretting that I told my company to buy this product the family pack at that. This forum sucks we can't place an image into it. Unless it has a url address?
All I'm trying to do is set rules on a folder:
1: If "any" of the following conditions are met for "the file or folder being matched"
"Date Added" / "is not in the last" / "5" / "Minutes"
Do the following...
"Send Growl notification" with pattern: "file" / "time" / "New Prefix"
The above works!
Problem is if I am away from my computer I want to create rules at every 5 minutes for about an Hour so that more that likely I will see the Growl note (GROWL does not have an option to keep the notice up for more than 10 seconds).
But when I create more if conditions such as:
If "any" of the following conditions are met for "the file or folder being matched"
"Date Added" / "is not in the last" / "10" / "Minutes"
And so on the 1st rules will work at the 5 minute mark but none of the other rules will send the Growl note.
I have tried both options If "any" & "all" thinking "any" is the one I would need in this case.
I have tried build this all in one rule & all as separate rules. CAN NOT GET IT TO WORK.