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Rename a file based on date in file

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:15 am
by MichaelTzu
I have searched the forum as sure someone has already asked this.
I want to rename a file of the format

I can use 5086583_BR-308212101001_INV_BR-308212101001- as supplier ID and use that but not sure how to use last 8 digits of the file name that denotes the invoice date.

Want to end up with Supplier Bill Invoice Date with date formatted as 2019_07_25.



Re: Rename a file based on date in file

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:43 am
by Dave61
Use "If name matches" with four custom elements. The first "SupplierID" matches the "anything" element, then three more for year, month, and day; the first with 4 digits, the others with 2.

Then use "rename" action with pattern SupplierID[space]Year[Space]Month[Space]Day with the Extension element directly after.

As this stands you will have some unnecessary characters, such as the _ and the repeated date, so you should tweak the match pattern to get rid of them.

PS It took me a few goes to master this, but it was well worth the effort.

PPS I would upload a screenshot but my sharing service is down.