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Renaming Files

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:46 pm
by ShirleyPrints
I don't understand the renaming by pattern feature and I'm hoping someone can help me.

The file names which I need Hazel to rename are formatted by a computer system like this (I hope I got the time abbreviations right but you can see the pattern is "date-time"):


Two example file names:


So, I need to keep the date and the job number/item no but remove the time and the repeated job number and that last dash if possible.

I want to end up with these file names:


Can that be done? I'm lost. TIA

Re: Renaming Files

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:55 am
by Mr_Noodle
Search the manual for "match patterns". Using those, you can create a pattern to match that, with custom attributes for the parts you want to keep. Then in the Rename pattern, you can include the custom attributes you created earlier for the new name.

If you run into specific problems, post back here with what you have so far.