iCloud Error "...Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

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Hi there,

since my update to Ventura on a MacMini 2018 Hazel stopped working on a iCloud-Folder, Hazel is not able anymore to move files out of an iCloud folder. I used this for years now and I search this forum and several other sites for a solution for this - I didn't find the trick for me so far.

So here is what the debug-log says:

2023-08-29 22:58:20.951 hazelworker[42610] DEBUG: Error copying /Users/markusxx/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/00_EcoDMS/5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF to /Volumes/Scaninput/5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF for move operation: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2023-08-29 22:58:20.951 hazelworker[42610] Error moving file from /Users/markusxx/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/00_EcoDMS/5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF to /Volumes/Scaninput/5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2023-08-29 22:58:20.951 hazelworker[42610] [Error] Move failed: Could not move file 5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF from folder /Users/markusxx/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/00_EcoDMS to folder /Volumes/Scaninput/5232xxxxxxxx8500_Abrechnung_vom_10_08_2023_xxxxx_Markus.PDF.
2023-08-29 22:58:20.951 hazelworker[42610] DEBUG: Tapping error retry sequence
2023-08-29 22:58:20.951 hazelworker[42610] DEBUG: Writing out DB file for /Users/markusxx/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/00_EcoDMS to path: /Users/markusxx/Library/Application Support/Hazel/16777223-65277.hazeldb

I have exactly the same issue on a OneDrive-Folder. I tried everything regarding file permissions and full access for OneDrive and Hazel - nothing works. :(

Any help will be very appreciated! Thank you very much!
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Check the full disk access list again and make sure to enable any Hazel processes you see there. After that, reboot.
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Thank you for your comment, but that didn't work. I have to admin that I did not explicitly rebooted the machine, I was hoping that this could to the trick - but it didn't. Still get the same error again and again.


I also already reinstalled Hazel, tried to erase every part of Hazel manually before - nothing helped.

Any other ideas?

Thank you!
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Does unchecking then re-checking Hazel do anything? Also, a long shot, but check under "Files & Folders" and make sure it says "Full Disk Access" under all Hazel processes?
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Ok, it is NOT a problem with iCloud or OneDrive, it is a problem with the target folder, which is on a shared ubuntu network drive, where my documentation system is located. Hazel is not able to move or copy any files onto this shared folder, but with finder I simply can move files from anywhere to that folder, but with hazel I am not able to do that. I also checked the permissions on the network drive - they should be fine because the user credentials, with which the drive is mounted, have full access to that folder.

I searched the forum, but I didn't find the solution yet... Maybe you have another idea?

Thank you for your efforts!! Great support!
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What file sharing protocol is being used here? How are the permissions set on that drive?
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The protocol is SMB, as far as I know. I mounted the drive in finder with "smb://". In finder it works great.
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Sorry if this seems stupid, but have you rebooted since giving Hazel full disk access?
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I also tried this once again, with no success. With finder it works (manually), but not with Hazel.
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Looking at it again, I'm wondering if the issue is the source, which looks like iCloud. Can you run a test where you use your local drive as the source folder?
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YOU ARE RIGHT! From a local folder it works like expected! Ok, now it is getting weird: when I put a LOCAL file into the LOCAL folder, then the rule works perfect. But if I move a file from an iCloud folder to this new local folder, THEN the same rule doesn't work and gets stuck with exact the same error as directly from iCloud to the Ubuntu-share. So I think it seems that this must be an issue with permissions on a file, that comes from iCloud.
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Is the file actually local or is it in the cloud?
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I comes from the cloud. I put it in iCloud via my iPhone, and what to have moved to my documents server with hazel on my Mac mini. Once, the file was stored in iCloud, I get the described problem. But when I use a file, which is stored only local - NOT in iCloud Drive, then I can move it easily to my ubuntu share with hazel.
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Are you sure the file has been downloaded and kept locally on your Mac?
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Sorry for my late reply... But yes, I am sure the file has been downloaded and kept locally.
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