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Open THIS thing on THAT computer

PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 12:18 pm
by valiant66
I work primarily on a desktop machine, but while browsing I often come across some cool trick or app that applies only to a laptop. I could just sync the page to my evernote or whatever, but then I have to remember to pro-actively retrieve that stuff next time I'm on my laptop. And I usually don't.

So I wrote a hazel script instead that uses dropbox.

I created a directory in my dropbox (which I called "webpages4laptop", unimaginatively enough). When I come across a laptop-specific page I want opened on my laptop, I drag the addressbar link to that directory.

It syncs with dropbox on my laptop, and there I have a simple hazel script. It watches that directory, and opens any file that is not blue, then turns that file blue.

By choosing to open with default application, this means I could also drop a zip or dmg file in there, if I wanted. Or any file, really.

Then, the next time I unsleep my laptop, the page (or whatever) automatically opens up after a few moments.

And I don't have to remember to do anything special for it to happen.

Hope this helps someone else.

Re: Open THIS thing on THAT computer

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:51 pm
by Mr_Noodle
Thanks for the great tip. Though it wasn't made for it, I find it interesting how people are using DropBox + Hazel as a way to do remote triggers on other machines. There are times when I'm browsing on one machine and want to open an URL on another so this would be a neat way to do it.