Tip: Create an empty folder structure with Automator

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Moderators: Mr_Noodle, Moderators

Mr_Noodle wrote:I think the point here is that sometimes people want to create the folders without having a file to put into them. They want to create all of them up front for future use.

Yes this tip was about populating a folder with empty subfolders. I just renamed the original post title and intro text to be more clear about that aspect.
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Location: Kent, OH

I think you could do it my way by using a dummy file to populate each newly created folder, and just another rule to delete the dummy files.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:17 am

Mr_Noodle wrote:I think the point here is that sometimes people want to create the folders without having a file to put into them. They want to create all of them up front for future use.

For posterity's sake, here's a way to do it within Hazel:

Use "Run shell script" action. Create an embedded script that uses the mkdir command:

mkdir $1/subfolder1
mkdir $1/subfolder2
mkdir $1/subfolder3
mkdir $1/subfolder4

mkdir creates a new empty folder (make directory)
$1 is the variable for the folder being evaluated
"subfolder1" can be replaced with whatever name you want the new subfolder to be
Repeat for as many new subfolders as you need.
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Awesome, this is even more ideal.

I had zero shell scripting experience when I created this initially, and even now just barely starting to learn, but yeah this makes way more sense.
Posts: 290
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:09 am
Location: Kent, OH


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