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iphoto works now for me

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:13 am
by ahasver
This has probably been said a 1000 times but I just wanted to state my satisfaction. Iphoto import just works as it just hasn't before. Maybe I did something wrong before but now it is really easy. Perfect job. Makes me loving Hazel even more.

Re: iphoto works now for me

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:22 pm
by Mr_Noodle
Actually, I was unaware that the iPhoto import wasn't working. What was going wrong? If it wasn't that long ago, I recommend going through your old Hazel logs ("Info" pane->"View Log") and see if there were any errors.

In the future, please email support or post here if you are running into problems like this. If it's just you, I can probably help and if it's more widespread, it can't hurt to report it. You'd be surprised how late I find out about certain things (because everyone assumes someone else has reported it). Of course, doing a quick search on the forums will help minimize duplicate reports.

[edit: whoops. Should've done a search myself. Looks like you did post/email me (though this was a year ago so you'd have to excuse my shoddy memory.) Mea culpa.]