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Suggested Feature: Hazel in Spanish

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:36 pm
by cristianepv96
Hazel is an incredible tool. Since I discovered it, it has saved me a lot of time. With a short tutorial I found on Apple Books, I was able to understand the function of many things and how to combine them to create slightly more complex rules. Fortunately, this book was in Spanish.

Despite Hazel's user-friendly interface, I think it would be very valuable for new users (and some with some time here already) who only speak a language like Spanish, if the interface were translated and a small function were added where a small legend would explain what the items do. For example: continue matching rules and a small legend that explains it briefly, which could be disabled for more advanced users.

Re: Suggested Feature: Hazel in Spanish

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:52 am
by Mr_Noodle
Thanks for the suggestion. There are no plans to translate Hazel at this point but I'll consider this a vote for a Spanish one. Note that is it not a small undertaking and goes beyond just translating it once.