HazelHelper background process blocks SuperDuper! backup

Talk, speculate, discuss, pontificate. As long as it pertains to Hazel.

Moderators: Mr_Noodle, Moderators

I've been using SuperDuper! for a long time to perform a nightly Smart Update of the external HD clone (backup) my iMac's Fusion drive. That nightly backup is now failing because SuperDuper! cannot "enable ownership" of the HD.

Using the What's Keeping Me app, I've tracked down the problem to the HazelHelper background process that's apparently monitoring the Trash folder on the HD. HazelHelper also blocks Ejecting the HD.

It would be very helpful if Hazel's Settings had the ability to specify external HDs that are not monitored.

-- Ward
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon May 21, 2012 11:15 pm

It should not be blocking it from ejecting. If you reboot, does it still happen?
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