Feature request: copying conditions and actions

Talk, speculate, discuss, pontificate. As long as it pertains to Hazel.

Moderators: Mr_Noodle, Moderators

I often find myself setting up rules with several similar conditions using the same custom token. For example

Name matches [Name1] Blue [Name2]
Name matches [Name1] Red [Name2]

Rename with pattern [Name1] [Name2]

If [Name1] and [Name2] are set to […] this would remove Red, or Blue, from any filename.

As things stand I have to set up each condition from scratch and although I can pick the tokens [Name1] or [Name2] from the pop-over they have an empty pattern (which I can understand).

My request therefore is to be able to copy a condition/action, with all of its detail, that I can then paste & edit. This could be implemented by adding Cmd or Alt to the drag function to make a copy at the "dragged to" position.

Whilst this would be useful within a rule it would be even better if you could select one (or more) conditions/actions between rules. I guess this might need a different trigger.
Posts: 113
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:56 pm

While I may consider copy and paste in this instance, I think your specific case might be better served by the list/table functionality I'm planning for version 5. This will allow you to have a custom attribute match against a list, which in this case, would contain "Red" and "Blue"
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Mr_Noodle wrote:I think your specific case might be better served by the list/table functionality I'm planning for version 5."
Sounds good. Any idea when we might see that?
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Can't say. I was originally planning for first half of next year but because of problems introduced with Catalina, I'm going to need to do a big re-work of Hazel which will add a good bit of time to that.
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Seems very generous to put all that work into version 4 rather than saving it for version 5.

Obviously you know your business better than anyone, I just worry about developers and financial sustainability, especially for apps that I really care about!
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The re-work is happening for version 5. It would involve converting Hazel from a pref pane to an app form factor and would be too disruptive to do for a point release.
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