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Feature Request: Droplet function

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:37 am
by musecaptain
A droplet function would be really powerful. Kind of like Photoshop actions - but for files. If we had a Create Droplet button for each folder, this is what the button would do.
1. Take all the rules in the folder and put them into the droplet.
2. Dropping folders on the droplet would process:
A. the dropped folders exactly as if you had added the rules to the folder
B. the dropped files exactly as if you had added the files to the folder that the Droplet was built based on.

This would be immensely powerful. You could take the power of Hazel and create all kinds of automated scripts. For cleaning up (for instance that removed all PSD’s from a folder) and for everything else, for batch processing, basically everything.

Re: Feature Request: Droplet function

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:34 pm
by Mr_Noodle
Thanks for the suggestion. I have other ideas to do something similar that might be more practical (such as a Finder contextual menu) but it's under consideration.