How to Fix Common Sewing Machine Problems

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How to Fix Common Sewing Machine Problems

Is your machine acting up? The thread keeps breaking, and you are considering buying a new sewing machine? Don't! There might be some problems that require a little fix here and there. This guide will tell you how to fix common sewing machine problems. Believe us, our tips and tricks always get the job done.

Nevertheless, if your sewing machine breaks down and the technician fails to fix it, it's time to replace it. Buy an affordable and easy-to-manage sewing machine; for recommendations and top product reviews, visit Image CraftsSelection. We only suggest top-rated and authentic sewing products and machines. Whether you are looking for a sewing product or want to know how it works, we got it all covered.


We have listed the top 10 common sewing machine problems and their solutions so you don't have to run to a technician whenever you encounter them.

10 Sewing Machine Problems and Solutions

1- Sewing machine skipping stitches

A common problem you often face is when the sewing machine starts skipping stitches. There could be a hundred reasons for that, but you just have to look for the ones that are in your capabilities to fix. Some of the problems and fixes are discussed below:

- You might be using a damaged or dull needle; change it.

- Try rethreading your machine because the incorrect threading could cause the problem.

- Use the needle according to the type of the fabric. Don't use a thin needle on a thick fabric and vice versa.

- Adjusting the tension can also solve the problem.

2- The sewing machine thread keeps breaking

We often think that the thread keeps breaking because of its bad quality. We change the thread, and guess what? The problem persists. Let's see what other reasons could cause this problem:

- Rethread your sewing machine using the recommended threading path from the user guide.

- Change the needle with a fresh one suitable for the type of fabric.

- Ensure the tension settings are adjusted to the appropriate levels for the cloth and thread.

- To avoid breaking threads during sewing, use better-quality thread.

3- Dealing with Sewing Machine Tension Problems

Uneven stitches could be a big problem, but its fix is simple. You just need to calibrate the machine's tension on the fabric to get even stitches.

- Your stitches may be overly tight if they are tiny and puckered. To achieve balanced stitching, gradually reduce the tension dial's setting.

- If your stitches are big and irregular, the tension can be off. To get consistent stitching results, gradually turn up the tension dial.

4- Troubleshooting a Non-Stitching Sewing Machine

Got a new sewing machine based on top product reviews, but it is not stitching? Did you buy a bad product? Or did you get scammed? Thousands of thoughts cross your mind when the sewing machine fails to make a stitch. Have you considered that there might not be a problem with the sewing machine but something else like a small tiny piece called the needle? Try following the solutions below before you consider going to a sewing machine expert to get it fixed.

- Check the machine is powered on and correctly plugged in.

- See if the needle is properly inserted and not damaged.

- Take a close look at the bobbin to confirm it's correctly winded and free of thread tangles in the bobbin case.

5- Sewing machine pulling fabric into the machine

Don't worry if your sewing machine is drawing fabric in. It may harm your beautiful fabric, interfere with your stitching, or even result in jams. Consider these potential solutions to fix this bug:

- Reduce the amount of thread being used to avoid pulling the fabric in.

- Choose a needle size that is appropriate for the cloth; a larger needle may draw the fabric inside the machine.

- Make sure you're using the right presser foot for your cloth to avoid unintended pulling.

6- Thread stuck in the sewing machine

Your creative sewing projects may be hampered if you get thread stuck in your sewing machine. But don't worry; there are several solutions to fix this blip.

- Follow the proper threading path while rethreading the machine.

- Ensure the spool cap fits the thread spool properly; change to a different one if it doesn’t.

- To avoid thread tangles and jams, wind the bobbin properly.

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7- Sewing machine needle keeps breaking

It is just annoying to have sewing machine needle problems. It interferes with your stitching and kills a good mood. However, be at ease, this issue has many causes and that you may solve it with thorough research and tweaks. Let's look at some practical fixes to maintain your sewing machine in good condition:

- Make sure the needle is firmly and correctly put into the needle holder.

- Check the needle frequently for signs of wear and tear, such as bends or burrs. Replace as required.

- Use the right type and size of needles for your working clothes. While delicate materials require finer needles, thicker fabrics require larger ones.

- A tremendous amount of strain from improper tension might break the needle. According to the fabric being used, adjust the tension.

- Invest in dependable brand-name needles of a high caliber. Broken needles are more likely to be cheap or worn out.

- Look for any burrs or sharp edges on the bobbin casing that might be causing the needle to break.

- Regular cleaning and lubrication, according to the manufacturer's instructions, will keep your sewing machine in good working order.

- Sew at a steady, moderate pace. Sewing too quickly can put too much strain on the needle.

8- The sewing machine won't sew through multiple layers of fabric

It can be rather difficult to deal with a sewing machine that won't cut through several layers of cloth, especially when working on heavier projects. Fear not, though; there are some possible ways to get around this obstacle and resume stitching without a hitch.

- Use a needle size appropriate for the cloth stack thickness you are working with.

- When sewing through numerous layers, use sufficient thread to prevent the machine from being overloaded.

- Make sure you're using the appropriate presser foot for the job; a walking foot can offer equal feeding for thick fabric stacks.

- Invest in a high-quality needle made for heavier fabrics to enable smoother sewing.

- Adjust the tension settings to accommodate the extra layers without taxing the machine.

- Choose a slower sewing speed while sewing through numerous layers to keep the machine from becoming overworked.

- Ensure the fabric layers are layered and oriented uniformly to avoid uneven feeding.

- To keep your sewing machine in top shape for handling thicker projects, regularly clean and maintain it.

9- Sewing machine is making a loud noise

Your sewing machine suddenly starts making a racket. Don’t panic, there are a few potential culprits behind that loud noise.

- Replace the needle if it's damaged or dull since a worn needle can make too much noise.

- Check the threading of your equipment; poor threading might cause noise and disturbances.

- If the noise continues, an internal issue could be present. To identify and fix the problem, think about enlisting the help of a skilled professional.

- Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and oiling your machine to avoid noise from wear and friction.

- A subpar thread might exacerbate problems with tension and loudness. Select a trustworthy thread manufacturer.

10- The sewing machine is not sewing straight

Are you failing to make a straight stitch? Are you blaming yourself? Or are you suspecting a glitch in your sewing machine? If it's the latter, try following the below given instructions to resolve the problem.

- Ensure your machine is threaded properly; improper threading can cause stitches to come out wrong.

- If the needle is damaged or bent, replace it immediately since a bent needle might cause the machine to sew unevenly.

- Consider having a qualified technician evaluate your machine to find and fix any underlying issues if the stitching problem persists.

- To maintain a straight sewing path, ensure the presser foot is appropriately positioned concerning the fabric.

- To keep the fabric from straying while you sew, gently guide it.

- Check that the thread tension is set properly; improper tension can result in crooked stitching.


✓✓✓ Check This Out: Image CraftsSelection Top Sewing and Craft Product Guides


Every beginner and expert should be aware of these common problems and solutions. Save this guide; you can always refer to it whenever your sewing machine needs a fix. Most of the problems you can fix at home, but some might require expert attention.

You might need to change the sewing tools or equipment if the problem continues. Where to buy good quality products? Just go to and find what you need. We have a list of top sewing product reviews and guides to help you through the process.
Last edited by stevencostello on Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to use Hazel 5? Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:27 am • by Mr_Noodle
Have you read the manual? There's a chapter about AppleScript. If you have specific questions, you can post them here.
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