Feature Request - Folder/Rule Documentation and Notes

Talk, speculate, discuss, pontificate. As long as it pertains to Hazel.

Moderators: Mr_Noodle, Moderators

1. It would be great if one could right click on a folder name and be able to add notes detailing the purpose of the folder and the rules that run on it. At the moment I reveal in Finder and then access a README created in each folder. But this also means having to exclude the README from any actions
2. For each rule it would be great if there was a properties/info section where more details/notes could be added

I have a lot of rules and sometimes forget details or some the idiosyncrasies associated with them

Many Thanks and keep up the great work!
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For #1, can you post some examples?

For #2, that exists. When editing a rule, look in the top right. There's a note button which will reveal a text box where you can enter whatever you want. That text will also show up if you hover over the rule in the rule list.
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#1 is an excellent request/idea, being how many rules and behavior we tend to implement as time goes on. I haven't used the (per rule) note field (#2) that much yet, as by the time I am inside the rule and have glanced through the conditions/actions I don't need text notes as much. But when looking at all the folders I am monitoring/managing in the main screen, I do sometimes forget what the general profile/purpose of the folder/ruleset is. After reading MeesMees current solution (excellent workaround), I implemented a version myself where the rule will rename the txt file with '_name (source folder)' so that I end up with a file named like '_Hazel Dev Notes (APPS)' within the folder. That rule (Rename Hazel Dev Notes) is the first, before my 'Go into subfolders' rule. I start with a template text file so that it is easier to be more consistent in the content structure.

(A) Additionally, I use an app called 'Folder Colorizer' to color RED all my monitored folders, so that I am less likely to move things around and break a process when working in the Finder because I didn't distinguish monitored folders non-Hazel folders. I suppose tagging the folder with something like 'Hazel' and a color might be a similar workaround. Or maybe a solution that used a custom (logo) folder icon for monitored folders would be practical while marketing the product a little as well.

(B) Finally, it would be great if there was a way to group the monitored folders together when they are related to a larger process. As it is now they can be manually arranged, but it is difficult to tell which folders are 'one-off' and which are part of a series. A simple 'group folder', like often seen in use with Smart Albums/Playlists/Collections, etc. to expand/collapse would be very useful.

I have been using Hazel for only a few years and have spent many hours (enjoyed!) creating workflows and discovering possibilities. Because of the amazing potential that Hazel brings, a few more features to support internal documentation and visibility in the Finder would be very welcome.
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Mr_Noodle wrote:For #1, can you post some examples?

For #2, that exists. When editing a rule, look in the top right. There's a note button which will reveal a text box where you can enter whatever you want. That text will also show up if you hover over the rule in the rule list.

Yes it is really needed, i was about to post a new thread then i swa this one.

I have an example.

Folder A is named Pictures (Located in desktop for example)
Folder B is named Pictures (Located in my backup folder in an external drive)

I have a rule set up at Sync Folder A content to Folder B.

then I have another rule to Sync folder B to another location.

in Hazel, I have in my folder list two folders both named Pictures... it would be better if we had an option to add remarks next to the folder name especially if we have a lot of folders with similar names
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Thanks for the examples. Note that for now, you can hover the mouse over each folder. It will show you the full path of that folder.
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Maybe its way to much to ask but a process visualisation would sometimes be really be helpfull.

Like the App Enfocus Switch. https://www.enfocus.com/en/switch/examples
In this workflow app the steps of the workflow is shown in a great way. So you can manage the flows in a more graphical way.

Example Flow Visualisation:

Of course an easier way to maintain the folders would also be ok.
But as other users also write: if you have multiple folders named "output" it would be neat if you can sort them in a way to group workflows (only in the gui). so you can work with them on first view.
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No promises but grouping folders is being considered for Hazel 5.
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